Malindo Air Australia Contact

Contact Malindo Air in Australia by dialing their telephone number mentioned below, here you will find airline’s customer service number for Australia along with the 24 hours contact number for the airline as well.

+61 280 730 133

All you have to do is to just click on this phone number and you will be directed to the airline’s call center in Australia and you can speak to the airline’s customer representative for flight bookings and other general inquiries.

Malindo Air Australia 24 hours contact number:

Malindo Air Perth Office

In Perth the airline’s office is located at Perth International Airport, phone number and office address are given right below.

Malindo Air Perth contact number: +61 894 794 101.

Malindo Air Perth office address: Perth International Airport, Ground Level 1.60, 245 Horrie Miller Drive, Terminal 1, Western Australia 6105.

Office Timings: — Yet to be updated —.

Melbourne Office

Melbourne phone number: +61 383 263 388.

Melbourne office address: Melbourne International Airport – Tullamarine, Level 2, Victoria 3045.

Office Timings: — Yet to be updated —.

Malindo Air Brisbane Office

Malindo Air Brisbane contact number: +61 738 606 021.

Brisbane office address: Brisbane International Airport, Level 3, 3L-16, Airport Drive, Brisbane 4008, Queensland.

Christmas Island Office

In Christmas Island, the airline only flies charter flights, so it’s best to use airline’s Australia contact number mentioned on top of this page for any sort of flight inquiry.

About the Airline

Malindo Air is a full service Malaysian Airline’s owned by the Indonesia. The airline is based in Selangor, Malaysia. It’s hub is at Kuala Lumpur International Airport and Penang International Airport and secondary hub at the Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport in Malaysia. The airline offer flights to 45 destinations worldwide and has a fleet of 43 aircraft. In Australia, the airline flies direct scheduled flights to Perth, Melbourne and Brisbane. The airline operates 1 daily flight to and from Kualalumpur to Perth, Brisbane and Melbourne, and it uses its Boeing 737 on all three routes. To book flights from Australia you can dial airline’s contact number available on this page and get connected to one the travel consultant for help.

List of Other Airline’s Offices in Perth.


Disclaimer: Malindo Air Australia contact details available on this page are subject to error and omissions we are not connected to or part of the airline in any way.